Unmubarru.ac.id, Barru – Universitas Muhammadiyah Barru with support from BOLT Outreach under the program Tohoku University Interdisciplinary Seminar (TUIIS) will conduct ICELEBES 2024.
The ICELEBES 2024 is the “International Conference on Education, Language, Business, and Environmental Sustainability” (ICELEBES) on Sunday, 22 September 2024.
ICELEBES 2024 provides a platform for scholars, educators, business professionals, and environmental sustainability advocates to share their research, best practices, and innovative ideas. The conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on these critical themes, promoting a more sustainable and prosperous future.
Stay Tuned for More Information:
Further details regarding conference themes, submission guidelines, and registration will be available soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars for September 22nd, 2024, and prepare to engage in a stimulating exchange at ICELEBES 2024!